Parameters | Description |
username | Client username |
password | Client password |
Parameters | Description |
accessToken | Access token are used in token-based authentication to allow an application to access an API. |
refreshToken | It is unique token than is used to obtain additional access token. This allows you yo have short-lived access tokens without having collect credentials every time. The refresh token is valid 1 day. |
Parameters | Description |
refreshToken | Refresh token from the last authentication. |
Parameters | Description |
accessToken | Access token are used in token-based authentication to allow an application to access an API. |
refreshToken | It is unique token than is used to obtain additional access token. This allows you yo have short-lived access tokens without having collect credentials every time. The refresh token is valid 1 day. |
Parameters | Description |
categoryKPKONPI | KPKONPI categories |
categoryZMIP | ZMIP categories |
organization | Organization categories |
position | Position categories |
docCount | Total found people in the category |
id | Category id |
name | Category name |
order | Category order |
Parameters | Description |
searchText | Search by name, EGN or EIK/Bulstat |
ident | Search identifier (EGN, LNCH, Assumed EGN) |
identType | Identifier type (1 - EGN, 2 - LNCH and 3 - Assumed EGN). |
rootClassifier.type | Classifiers (1 - ZPKONPI, 2 - ZMIP, 3 - Position and 4 - Organization). | | Sub-classifier |
yearTo | Search year |
classifiers.1 | ZPKONPI classifier |
classifiers.2 | ZMIP classifier |
classifiers.3 | Position classifier |
classifiers.4 | Organization classifier |
pageSize | Number of results per page (default - 20) |
page | Page number (default - 1) |
withAggs | Return results with filters. The value can be true or false (default - true) |
searchAfter | If count of results are more than 1000, then to go to the next page you have to put value |
When you search by EGN, you have to send field "ident" with searching EGN.
Optional parameters are: "identType" (1 - EGN, 2 - LNCH or 3 - Assumed EGN), "yearTo", "classifiers" (1 - ZPKONPI, 2 - ZMIP, 3 - Position and 4 - Organization), "pageSize", "page" and "withAggs".
Example 1.1:
In the example below, we search "6510243709".
Example 1.2:
In the example below, we search assumed EGN (identType = 3) to year 2020.
Example 1.3:
In the example below, we search EGN (identType = 1) to year 2020. Page size is 20 per page and result return classifiers (withAggs = true). We search only in ZPKONPI category (classifiers.1) and sub-category (1 and 2).
When you search by EGN, you have to send field "searchText" with searching name or EIK/Bulstat.
Optional parameters are: "yearTo", "classifiers" (1 - ZPKONPI, 2 - ZMIP, 3 - Position and 4 - Organization), "pageSize", "page" and "withAggs".
Example 2.1:
In the example below, we search "Иван".
Example 2.2:
In the example below, we search "Иван" to year 2020.
Example 2.3:
In the example below, we search "Иван" to year 2020. Page size is 20 per page and result return classifiers (withAggs = true).We search only in ZPKONPI category (classifiers.1) and sub-category (1 and 2).
When you search by classifiers, you have to send field "rootClassifier" and "yearTo".
Optional parameters are: "classifiers" "classifiers" (1 - ZPKONPI, 2 - ZMIP, 3 - Position and 4 - Organization), "pageSize", "page" and "withAggs".
Example 3.1:
In the example below, we search by classifier "ЗПКОНПИ" (type = 1) and sub-category "Президент и вицепрезидент" to year 2020.
Example 3.2:
In the example below, we search by classifier "ЗПКОНПИ" (type = 1) and sub-category "Народни представители" to year 2021.г. Page size is 20 per page and result return classifiers (withAggs = true).We search only in Organization category (classifiers.4) and sub-category (1 and 2).
Example 3.3:
In the example below, we search by classifier "ЗМИП" (type = 2) in all sub-categories to year 2024. Page size is 20 per page and result return classifiers (withAggs = true).We search only in Organization category (classifiers.4) and sub-category (1 and 2).
WARNING! If you set fields "ident", "searchText" and "rootClassifier", the result will take into account only the "ident" field.
Example 4.1:
WARNING! If you set fields "searchText" and "rootClassifier", the result will take into account only the "searchText" field.
Example 4.2:
WARNING! If you want to go to next page, you have to send request with different page.
Example 4.3:
WARNING! If the result returns more than 1000 documents, if you want to go to next page, you have to add field "searchAfter". "searchAfter" is array from 2 elements. First one element is the "name" and the second one element is the field "identifier" of the last document.
Example 4.4:
Parameters | Description |
totalDocsCount | Total found documents. |
pageSize | Dccuments per page. |
highlights.linkedPersons.kpkonpi | Linked people (ZPKONPI declarations). |
highlights.linkedPersons.bulstat | Linked people (TR and BULSTATS). | | Linked people. | | ZPKONPNI category identifier. | | ZPKONPNI category name. |
lastRecord.classifZpkonpiCategory.order | ZPKONPNI category order. | | ZMIP category identifier. | | ZMIP category name. |
lastRecord.classifZmipCategory.order | ZMIP category order. | | Organization category identifier. | | Organization category name. |
lastRecord.classifOrganizations.order | Organization category order. | | Position category identifier. | | Position category name. |
lastRecord.classifPosition.order | Position category order. |
lastRecord.crawlerId | Crawler ids: 2 - Declaration under the Counter-Corruption and Unlawfully Acquired Assets Forfeiture Act (CCUAAF Act), 3 – State Gazette, 4 - Presidential decree, 5 - Declaration by the member of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC), 7 - Commercial register/BULSTAT register, 9 - Register of political parties. |
lastRecord.recordYear | Record year |
lastRecord.recordDate | Record date |
lastRecord.classifZpkonpiCategoryId | ZPKONPI category id. |
lastRecord.classifZmipCategoryId | ZMIP category id. |
lastRecord.classifOrganizationIds | Organization category id. |
lastRecord.classifPositionId | Position category id. |
lastRecord.placeOfBirth | Place of birth. |
lastRecord.xmlWork | Place of work. |
lastRecord.xmlPosition | Position. |
lastRecord.biographyUrl | Biography url. |
lastRecord.xmlWorkCode | Law number of ZKPONKI. |
lastRecord.declarationUrl | Declaration url. |
lastRecord.identifier | Identifier. |
lastRecord.dvDocsMeta.title | Title (State Gazette source). |
lastRecord.dvDocsMeta.action | >Action (State Gazette source). |
lastRecord.dvDocsMeta.politicalParty | Political party (State Gazette source). |
lastRecord.dvDocsMeta.actDate | Document act date (State Gazette source). |
lastRecord.dvDocsMeta.docCaption | Document caption (State Gazette source). |
lastRecord.dvDocsMeta.docCode | APIS metadata for link -{docBase}&doccode={docCode} |
lastRecord.dvDocsMeta.docBase | APIS metadata for link -{docBase}&doccode={docCode} |
lastRecord.dvDocsMeta.dvBr | State Gazette number. |
lastRecord.kpDeclMeta.kpDeclClassifs.mainCategory | Declaration main category. |
lastRecord.kpDeclMeta.kpDeclClassifs.category | ZPKONPI official classifier. |
lastRecord.kpDeclMeta.kpDeclClassifs.institution | Institution category from declaration. |
lastRecord.kpDeclMeta.kpDeclClassifs.position | Position category from declaration.. |
lastRecord.kpDeclMeta.declarationKind | Type of declaration (for appointment, for dismissal and annual declaration). |
lastRecord.kpDeclMeta.entryNumber | Declaration entry number. |
lastRecord.kpDeclMeta.entryDate | Declaration date. |
lastRecord.kpDeclMeta.declarationType | Вид на декларацията по ЗПКОНПИ (годишна, за освобождаване, за назначаване). |
lastRecord.kpDeclMeta.actNumber | Declaration act number. |
lastRecord.kpDeclMeta.actData | Declaration date. |
lastRecord.kpDeclMeta.year | Declaration year. |
lastRecord.kpDeclMeta.declarationDate | Declaration date. |
lastRecord.companyMeta.func | 0 - Inactive, 1 - Development, 3 - Archive. |
lastRecord.companyMeta.docUniqueId | APIS metadata - unique id. |
lastRecord.companyMeta.eik | Company EIK/Bulstat. |
lastRecord.linkedPersons.ident | Linked person EGN or LNCH or Assumed EGN. |
lastRecord.linkedPersons.identType | Identifier type (1 - EGN, 2 - LNCH, 3 - Assumed EGN, 4 - Not found) |
lastRecord.linkedPersons.firstName | Linked person first name. |
lastRecord.linkedPersons.secondName | Linked person middle name. |
lastRecord.linkedPersons.thirdName | Linked person last name. |
lastRecord.linkedPersons.birthDate | Linked person date of birth. |
lastRecord.linkedPersons.recordYears | Linked person record years. |
id | Id. |
uniqueId | Unique id. |
name | Name. |
ident | EGN or LNCH or Assumed EGN. |
identType | Ident type (1 - EGN, 2 - LNCH, 3 - Assumed EGN, 4 - Not found). |
birthDate | Date of birth. |
personType | Linked type (0 - None, 1 - ZPKONPI and 2 - ZMIP). |
sorts | First element is relevance, the second is person identifier. | | Classifier name. |
rootClassifier.years | Classifier years. | | Classifier id. |
rootClassifier.type | Classifier type. |
classifiers.categoryKPKONPI | KPKONPI classifier. |
classifiers.categoryZMIP | ZMIP classifier. |
classifiers.organization | Organization classifier. |
classifiers.position | Position classifier. |
classifiers.docCount | Total found people in the classifier. | | classifier id. | | Classifier name. |
classifiers.order | Classifier order. |
pageNumber | Page number. |
totalPages | Total pages. |
Parameters | Description |
biography.content | Biography. |
biography.contactInfo | Person contact info. |
biography.biographyUrl | Biography url. |
biography.image | Person image. |
records | Here. |
recordsLinkedPersonsDistinct | Distinct linked people. |
linkedPersonsMeta | Meta linked people | | OFAC - id. |
ofacData.tableTypeId | OFAC - table type id. | | OFAC - name. |
ofacData.num | OFAC - number. | | OFAC - country. |
ofacData.ident | OFAC - EIK/Bulstat |
ofacData.linkedPerson | OFAC - Linked person. |
ofacData.tableType | OFAC - description. |
id | Id. |
uniqueId | Unique id. |
name | Name. |
ident | EGN or LNCH or Assumed EGN. |
identType | Ident type (1 - EGN, 2 - LNCH, 3 - Assumed EGN, 4 - Not found). |
birthDate | Date of birth. |
personType | Linked type (0 - None, 1 - ZPKONPI and 2 - ZMIP). |
sorts | First element is relevance, the second is person identifier. |
Parameters | Description |
eik | EIK/Bulstat |
caption | Comapny name |
uniqueId | Company unique id. |
type | Company type (1 - Bulstat, 2 - EIK). | | Linked person name. |
linkedData.linkedPersons.egn | Linked person EGN. |
linkedData.linkedPersons.linkedIndirectOwnershipChain | Linked person ownership chain |
linkedData.linkedPersons.positions | 0 - None data, 1 - Owner, 2 - Shareholder, 3 - Owner and Shareholder, 4 - Beneficial owner, 5 - Owner and Beneficial owner, 6 - Shareholder and Beneficial owner, 7 - Owner, Shareholder and Beneficial owner, 8 - Representative, 9 - Owner and Representative, 10 - Shareholder and Representative, 11 - Owner, Shareholder and Representative, 12 - Beneficial owner and Representative, 13 - Owner, Beneficial owner and Representative, 14 - Shareholder, Beneficial owner and Representative, 15 - Owner, Shareholder, Beneficial owner and Representative |
linkedData.linkedPersons.peps | Here. |
linkedData.allSubjects | Here. |
linkedData.pepsPersons | Here. |
linkedData.pepsKPKONPI.identifier | Identifier of linked person from declaration. | | Name of linked person from declaration. |
linkedData.pepsKPKONPI.ident | Ident of linked person from declaration. |
linkedData.pepsKPKONPI.posititions | Positions of linked person from declaration. |
linkedData.pepsKPKONPI.kPKONPIPersons | Linked person from ZPKNOPI. |
linkedData.registeredBeneficialOwners.identifier | Beneficial owner identifier. | | Beneficial owner name. |
linkedData.registeredBeneficialOwners.ident | Beneficial owner ident. |
linkedData.registeredBeneficialOwners.role | Beneficial owner role. |
linkedData.registeredBeneficialOwners.personType | 1 - senior public office holders (SPOHs), 2 - politically exposed persons (PEPs) and 3 - PEPs/SPOHs. | | Identifier of beneficial owners with at least 25% equity or equity interest. |
linkedData.beneficialOwners.identifier | EGN of beneficial owners with at least 25% equity or equity interest. |
linkedData.beneficialOwners.identifierType | EGN, LNCH or Assumed EGN of beneficial owners with at least 25% equity or equity interest. | | Name of beneficial owners with at least 25% equity or equity interest. |
linkedData.beneficialOwners.isPublic | Beneficial owner is public |
linkedData.beneficialOwners.isMunicipal | Beneficial owner is minicipal |
linkedData.beneficialOwners.percent | Beneficial owner percent |
linkedData.beneficialOwners.isCoop | Beneficial owner is coop |
linkedData.beneficialOwners.isNonProfit | Beneficial owner is non profir |
linkedData.beneficialOwners.isManagerOwner | Beneficial owner is manager owner |
linkedData.beneficialOwners.selfDeclared | Beneficial owner self declared |
ofacData | Here. |
Parameters | Description |
data | Every row have to be two parts - identifier and name. Identifier is optional, but the name is required. They have to be separated with semicolon. Rows have to be separated with new line (\r\n). |
Parameters | Description |
id | Notification id. |
lastModifyDate | Last time when the content is modified |
data | Content of data. |
messageType |
Message types are:
0 - No exceptions.
1 - User does not exist.
3 - Notification was saved successfully.
4 - Notification did not saved.
7 - Notification was modified successfully.
8 - Notification did not modified.
username | Username |
Parameters | Description |
id | Notification id. |
lastModifyDate | Last time when the content is modified |
data | Content of data. |
messageType |
Message types are:
0 - No exceptions.
1 - User does not exist.
2 - Notification does not exist.
username | Username |
Parameters | Description |
id | Notification id. |
lastModifyDate | Last time when the content is modified |
data | Content of data. |
messageType |
Message types are:
0 - No exceptions.
1 - User does not exist.
2 - Notification does not exist.
5 - Notification was deleted successfully.
6 - Notification did not deleted.
username | Username |
Parameters | Description |
type |
Report type, by default is 1.
1 - Quick report. The data have to be less than 1000
rows and the result does not save in the logs.
2 - Daily report. The date does not have limit. The
result saves in the logs. Every day at 9 o'clock, you
will receive email with result.
data | Every row have to be two parts - identifier and name. Identifier is optional, but the name is required. They have to be separated with semicolon. Rows have to be separated with new line (\r\n). |
Parameters | Description |
reportDate | Date of report |
data | Content of data. |
result | Only matched results. |
result.identifier | Person identifier | | Person name |
result.match |
Person match are:
100 - Full match by name and identifier.
75 - Full match by name and assumed identifier.
50 - Full match by name and birthday.
25 - Match only by name.
messageType |
Message types are:
0 - No exceptions.
1 - User does not exist.
2 - Notification does not exist.
11 - Rows are more than 1000.
username | Username |
Parameters | Description |
---|---| | Log id |
logs.insertDate | Log date of insert |
messageType |
Message types are:
0 - No exceptions.
1 - User does not exist.
9 - Logs did not exist.
username | Username |
Parameters | Description |
id | Log id |
insertDate | Log date of insert |
data | Content of data |
result | Only matched results. |
result.identifier | Person identifier | | Person name |
result.match |
Person match are:
100 - Full match by name and identifier.
75 - Full match by name and assumed identifier.
50 - Full match by name and birthday.
25 - Match only by name.
messageType |
Message types are:
0 - No exceptions.
1 - User does not exist.
10 - Log does not exist.
username | Username |
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