Parameters | Description |
username | Client username |
password | Client password |
Parameters | Description |
accessToken | Access token are used in token-based authentication to allow an application to access an API. |
refreshToken | It is unique token than is used to obtain additional access token. This allows you yo have short-lived access tokens without having collect credentials every time. The refresh token is valid 1 day. |
Parameters | Description |
refreshToken | Refresh token from the last authentication. |
Parameters | Description |
accessToken | Access token are used in token-based authentication to allow an application to access an API. |
refreshToken | It is unique token than is used to obtain additional access token. This allows you yo have short-lived access tokens without having collect credentials every time. The refresh token is valid 1 day. |
Parameters | Description |
searchText | Search by name. |
pageSize | Number of results per page (default - 200). |
page | Page number (default - 1). |
withAggs | Return results with filters. The value can be true or false (default - true). |
searchAfter | If count of results are more than 1000, then to go to the next page you have to put value. |
jurisdiction | Array of enumeration types. The values can be: Other = 0, EuropeanUnion = 1, UnitedNations = 2, UnitedKingdom = 3, UnitedStatesOfAmerica = 4, Bulgaria = 5. |
sanctionsList | Array of enumeration types. The values can be: EuFinancial = 1, EuTravel = 2, UnConsolidated = 3, UkFinancial = 4, UkRussia = 5, UsaSdn = 6, UsaConsolidated = 7, BgList = 8. |
subjectType | Array of enumeration types. The values can be: Person = 1, Enterprise = 2, Vessel = 3, Aircraft = 4. |
sanctionRegimes | Array of strings. The values can be find here. |
citizenships | Array of strings. The values can be find here. |
livingCountries | Array of strings. The values can be find here. |
getAllDocs | Return all results if is set to true. The value can be true or false (default - false). |
fuzzySearch | Return similar result from search text if is set to true. The value can be true or false (default - false). |
sortType | Array of enumeration types. The values can be: Default = 0, Name = 1, Citizenship = 2, SanctionRegime = 3, PublicationDate = 4. |
isSortOrderAscending | Sort results in ascending order. The value can be true or false (default - false). |
When you search by name, you have to send field "searchText" with searching name.
Example 1:
In the example with send only "searchText".
Example 2:
In the example below, we search "Ivan", number of results per page are 10 and we search second page.
Example 3:
In the example below, the API returns all results.
Example 4:
In the example below, we search "Ivan" and the field "fuzzySearch" is set to true. The search also includes results similar to searches.
Example 5:
In the example below, we search "Ivan" and the result does not include filters.
Example 6:
In the example below, we search "Ivan". The results are sorted by name in ascending order.
Sort types are: Default = 0, Name = 1, Citizenship = 2, SanctionRegime = 3, PublicationDate = 4
The filters are the following fields: "jurisdiction", "sanctionsList", "subjectType", "sanctionRegimes", "citizenships", "livingCountries".
Only one filter or a combination of filters can be used.
"jurisdiction" values are: Other = 0, EuropeanUnion = 1, UnitedNations = 2, UnitedKingdom = 3, UnitedStatesOfAmerica = 4, Bulgaria = 5
"sanctionsList" values are: EuFinancial = 1, EuTravel = 2, UnConsolidated = 3, UkFinancial = 4, UkRussia = 5, UsaSdn = 6, UsaConsolidated = 7, BgList = 8
"subjectType" values are: Person = 1, Enterprise = 2, Vessel = 3, Aircraft = 4
"sanctionRegimes" values are here
"citizenships" values are here
"livingCountries" values are here
WARNING The filter "sanctionRegimes" is used with combination of filters "jurisdiction" or "sanctionsList".
Example 7:
In the example below, we search "Ivan" with filter "jurisdiction" in European Union and United States Of America.
Example 7:
In the example below, we search "Ivan" with filters "jurisdiction" (European Union and United States) and "sanctionRegimes" ([EU] Belarus).
Example 8:
In the example below, we search "Ivan" with filters "jurisdiction" (United States) and "livingCountries" (Мексико).
WARNING! If you want to go to next page, you have to send request with different page.
Example 9:
Parameters | Description |
totalSubjectsCount | Total found subjects. |
pageSize | Subjects per page. |
subjects | Array of subjects. |
sorts | Array of objects. Apis information. |
id | Subject unique id. |
sanctionListType | Sanction list classifier. |
entityId | Identifier. |
altEntityId | Other identifier. |
jurisdiction | Jurisdiction classifier. |
sanctionProgrammeShort | Sanction program short name. |
sanctionProgrammeLong | Sanction program long name. |
legalBasis | Legal basis. |
legalDocUrl | Additional sources. |
subjectType | Subject type classifier. |
publicationDate | Publication date. |
intoForceDateFrom | Force date from. |
intoForceDateTo | Force date to. |
remark | Comment. | | Name. |
namesInfo.ident | Identifier. |
namesInfo.language | Language. |
namesInfo.title | Title. |
namesInfo.function | Function. |
namesInfo.gender | Gender. |
namesInfo.nameType | Name type. Primary = 1, AlsoKnownAs = 2, FormallyKnownAs = 3, NowKnownAs = 4. |
namesInfo.aliasType | AliasType. Strong = 1, Weak = 2 |
namesInfo.nameOriginalScript | Name original script. | | Date. |
birthsInfo.year | Year. |
birthsInfo.yearsInterval | Years interval. | | Country. |
birthsInfo.countryCode | Country code. | | City. |
birthsInfo.stateProvince | State providence. |
identificationsInfo.identificationType | Identification type. |
identificationsInfo.identificationNumber | Identification number. | | Country. |
identificationsInfo.countryCode | Country code. |
identificationsInfo.remark | Remark. |
identificationsInfo.isExpired | Is identification expired. |
identificationsInfo.isDiplomatic | Is identification diplomatic. |
identificationsInfo.IsFalse | Is identification false. |
identificationsInfo.isLost | Is identification lost. |
identificationsInfo.isRevokedByIssuer | Is revoked by issuer. |
identificationsInfo.issueDate | Identification issue date. |
identificationsInfo.nameOnDoc | Name on document. |
identificationsInfo.validTo | Identification valid to. | | Country. |
contactsInfo.countryCode | Country code. |
contactsInfo.address | Address. |
contactsInfo.remark | Remark. |
contactsInfo.contacts.method | Phone = 1, Fax = 2, Email = 3, Web = 4. |
contactsInfo.contacts.value | Value. | | Country. |
citizenshipsInfo.countryCode | Country code. |
additionalInfo.key | Additional info key. |
additionalInfo.value | Additional info value. |
pageNumber | Number of page. |
totalPages | Total pages. |
classifiers.agg_jurisdiction.docCount | Found subject in jurisdiction classifier. | | Jurisdiction classifier id. | | Jurisdiction classifier name. |
classifiers.agg_jurisdiction.order | Always 999. |
classifiers.agg_sanctionListType.docCount | Found subject in sanction list type classifier. | | Sanction list type classifier id. | | Sanction list type classifier name. |
classifiers.agg_sanctionListType.order | Always 999. |
classifiers.agg_subjectType.docCount | Found subject in subject type classifier. | | Subject list type classifier id. | | Subject list type classifier name. |
classifiers.agg_subjectType.order | Always 999. |
classifiers.agg_citizenshipCountry.docCount | Found subject in citizenship country classifier. | | Citizenship country list type classifier id. | | Citizenship country list type classifier name. |
classifiers.agg_citizenshipCountry.order | Always 999. |
classifiers.agg_livingCountry.docCount | Found subject in living country classifier. | | Living country list type classifier id. | | Living country list type classifier name. |
classifiers.agg_livingCountry.order | Always 999. |
Parameters | Description |
id | Subject unique id. |
sanctionListType | Sanction list classifier. |
entityId | Identifier. |
altEntityId | Other identifier. |
jurisdiction | Jurisdiction classifier. |
sanctionProgrammeShort | Sanction program short name. |
sanctionProgrammeLong | Sanction program long name. |
legalBasis | Legal basis. |
legalDocUrl | Additional sources. |
subjectType | Subject type classifier. |
publicationDate | Publication date. |
intoForceDateFrom | Force date from. |
intoForceDateTo | Force date to. |
remark | Comment. | | Name. |
namesInfo.ident | Identifier. |
namesInfo.language | Language. |
namesInfo.title | Title. |
namesInfo.function | Function. |
namesInfo.gender | Gender. |
namesInfo.nameType | Name type. Primary = 1, AlsoKnownAs = 2, FormallyKnownAs = 3, NowKnownAs = 4. |
namesInfo.aliasType | AliasType. Strong = 1, Weak = 2 |
namesInfo.nameOriginalScript | Name original script. | | Date. |
birthsInfo.year | Year. |
birthsInfo.yearsInterval | Years interval. | | Country. |
birthsInfo.countryCode | Country code. | | City. |
birthsInfo.stateProvince | State providence. |
identificationsInfo.identificationType | Identification type. |
identificationsInfo.identificationNumber | Identification number. | | Country. |
identificationsInfo.countryCode | Country code. |
identificationsInfo.remark | Remark. |
identificationsInfo.isExpired | Is identification expired. |
identificationsInfo.isDiplomatic | Is identification diplomatic. |
identificationsInfo.IsFalse | Is identification false. |
identificationsInfo.isLost | Is identification lost. |
identificationsInfo.isRevokedByIssuer | Is revoked by issuer. |
identificationsInfo.issueDate | Identification issue date. |
identificationsInfo.nameOnDoc | Name on document. |
identificationsInfo.validTo | Identification valid to. | | Country. |
contactsInfo.countryCode | Country code. |
contactsInfo.address | Address. |
contactsInfo.remark | Remark. |
contactsInfo.contacts.method | Phone = 1, Fax = 2, Email = 3, Web = 4. |
contactsInfo.contacts.value | Value. | | Country. |
citizenshipsInfo.countryCode | Country code. |
additionalInfo.key | Additional info key. |
additionalInfo.value | Additional info value. |
Parameters | Description |
1 | Консолидиран списък на лица, групи и организации, на които са наложени финансови санкции от Европейския съюз. |
2 | Консолидиран списък на санкционирани от ЕС лица, на които са наложени на ограничения за пътуване. |
3 | Консолидиран списък на Съвета за сигурност на ООН. |
4 | Консолидиран списък на лица, групи и организации, на които са наложени финансови санкции от Великобритания. |
5 | Консолидиран списък на Великобритания срещу Русия. |
6 | Консолидиран списък на специално определени граждани и блокирани лица на Службата за контрол на чуждестранните активи към Министерството на финансите на САЩ. |
7 | Консолидиран списък на САЩ. |
8 | Консолидиран списък на България срещу физически лица, юридически лица, групи и организации, спрямо които се прилагат мерките по Закона за мерките срещу финансирането на тероризма. |
Value |
[BG] Criminal proceedings for terrorism |
[BG] Regulation (EU) 2580/2001, Art. 2(3) |
[BG] Sufficient evidence of terrorism |
[BG] UNSC Resolution 1267 (1999) |
[BG] UNSC Resolution 1333 (2000) |
[EU] Afghanistan |
[EU] Belarus |
[EU] Burundi |
[EU] Central African Republic |
[EU] Chemical weapons |
[EU] Cyber-attacks |
[EU] Democratic Republic of Congo |
[EU] EU sanction list against the Daesh and Al-Qaida terrorist organizations as well as individual persons and legal persons associated with them |
[EU] EU-Al-Qaida |
[EU] Guinea-Bissau |
[EU] HTI |
[EU] Human rights |
[EU] Iran |
[EU] Iraq |
[EU] Libya |
[EU] Mali |
[EU] Myanmar/Burma |
[EU] Nicaragua |
[EU] People’s Republic of Korea |
[EU] Republic of Guinea (Conakry) |
[EU] Somalia |
[EU] South Sudan |
[EU] Sudan |
[EU] Syria |
[EU] Taliban/Al-Qaida |
[EU] Terrorism |
[EU] Tunisia |
[EU] Ukraine |
[EU] Venezuela |
[EU] Yemen |
[EU] Zimbabwe |
[UK] Afghanistan |
[UK] Belarus |
[UK] Bosnia and Herzegovina |
[UK] Central African Republic |
[UK] Chemical Weapons |
[UK] Counter-Terrorism (Domestic) |
[UK] Counter-Terrorism (International) |
[UK] Cyber |
[UK] Democratic People's Republic of Korea |
[UK] Democratic Republic of the Congo |
[UK] Global Anti-Corruption |
[UK] Global Human Rights |
[UK] Guinea |
[UK] Guinea-Bissau |
[UK] Haiti |
[UK] Iran (Human Rights) |
[UK] Iran (Nuclear) |
[UK] Iraq |
[UK] ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida |
[UK] Libya |
[UK] Mali |
[UK] Myanmar |
[UK] Nicaragua |
[UK] Russia |
[UK] Somalia |
[UK] South Sudan |
[UK] Sudan |
[UK] Syria |
[UK] Venezuela |
[UK] Yemen |
[UK] Zimbabwe |
[UN] 1518 Sanctions Committee (Iraq) |
[UN] 1718 Sanctions Committee (DPRK) |
[UN] 2140 Sanctions Committee (Yemen) |
[UN] 26532022 |
[UN] Guinea-Bissau Sanctions Committee |
[UN] Iran |
[UN] ISIL (Da'esh) & Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee |
[UN] Libya Sanctions Committee |
[UN] Mali Sanctions Committee |
[UN] Somalia Sanctions Committee |
[UN] South Sudan Sanctions Committee |
[UN] Taliban |
[UN] The Central African Republic Sanctions Committee |
[UN] The Democratic Republic of Congo Sanctions Committee |
[UN] The Sudan Sanctions Committee |
[USA] 561-Related |
[USA] Balkans-Related Sanctions |
[USA] Belarus Sanctions |
[USA] Burma-Related Sanctions |
[USA] Central African Republic Sanctions |
[USA] Chinese Military Companies Sanctions |
[USA] Counter Narcotics Trafficking Sanctions |
[USA] Counter Terrorism Sanctions |
[USA] Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act-Related Sanctions - Title I |
[USA] Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act-Related Sanctions - Title II |
[USA] Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act-Related Sanctions - Title III |
[USA] Cuba Sanctions |
[USA] Cyber-related Sanctions |
[USA] Democratic Republic of the Congo-Related Sanctions |
[USA] Ethiopia-Related Sanctions |
[USA] Executive Order 14039 |
[USA] Foreign Interference in a United States Election Sanctions |
[USA] Global Magnitsky Sanctions |
[USA] Hong Kong-Related Sanctions |
[USA] Iran Sanctions |
[USA] Iraq-Related Sanctions |
[USA] Lebanon-Related Sanctions |
[USA] Libya Sanctions |
[USA] Mali-Related Sanctions |
[USA] Nicaragua-related Sanctions |
[USA] Non-Proliferation Sanctions |
[USA] North Korea Sanctions |
[USA] Protecting Europe’s Energy Security Act (PEESA) |
[USA] RUSSIA-EO14065 |
[USA] Russian Harmful Foreign Activities Sanctions |
[USA] Somalia Sanctions |
[USA] Sudan and Darfur Sanctions |
[USA] Syria Sanctions |
[USA] Syria-Related Sanctions |
[USA] The Magnitsky Sanctions |
[USA] Transnational Criminal Organizations |
[USA] Ukraine-/Russia-related Sanctions |
[USA] Venezuela-Related Sanctions |
[USA] Yemen-related Sanctions |
[USA] Zimbabwe-Related Sanctions |
Value |
Австралия |
Австрия |
Азербайджан |
Албания |
Алжир |
Ангола |
Аржентина |
Армения |
Афганистан |
Бангладеш |
Барбадос |
Бахрейн |
Беларус |
Белгия |
Бирма |
Боливия |
Босна и Херцеговина |
Бразилия |
Буркина Фасо |
Бурунди |
България |
Великобритания |
Венецуела |
Гамбия |
Гана |
Гватемала |
Гвинея |
Гвинея-Бисау |
Германия |
Грузия |
Гърция |
Дания |
Доминиканска република |
Египет |
Еквадор |
Екваториална Гвинея |
Ел Салвадор |
Еритрея |
Естония |
Етиопия |
Зимбабве |
Израел |
Индия |
Индонезия |
Ирак |
Иран |
Ирландия |
Испания |
Италия |
Йемен |
Йордания |
Казахстан |
Камбоджа |
Камерун |
Канада |
Катар |
Кения |
Кипър |
Киргизстан |
Китай |
Колумбия |
Коморски острови |
Косово |
Коста Рика |
Куба |
Кувейт |
Латвия |
Либерия |
Либия |
Ливан |
Мавритания |
Малайзия |
Малдиви |
Мали |
Малта |
Мароко |
Мексико |
Мианмар |
Мозамбик |
Молдова |
Намибия |
Неизвестна държава |
Нигер |
Нигерия |
Нидерландия |
Никарагуа |
Нова Зеландия |
Норвегия |
Обединени арабски емирства |
Оман |
Пакистан |
Палестина |
Палестинските територии |
Панама |
Парагвай |
Перу |
Република Конго |
Република Южна Африка |
Руанда |
Румъния |
Русия |
Саудитска Арабия |
Северна Корея |
Северна Македония |
Сейнт Китс и Невис |
Сенегал |
Сиера Леоне |
Сингапур |
Сирийска Арабска Република |
Сирия |
Словакия |
Словения |
Сомалия |
СССР (до 1991 г.) |
Судан |
Съединени американси щати |
Сърбия |
Сърбия и Черна гора |
Таджикистан |
Тайван |
Тайланд |
Танзания |
Тринидад и Тобаго |
Тунис |
Турция |
Уганда |
Узбекистан |
Украйна |
Филипини |
Финландия |
Франция |
Хаити |
Хонг Конг |
Хондурас |
Хърватия |
Централноафриканска република |
Чад |
Черна гора |
Швейцария |
Швеция |
Южен Судан |
Value |
Австралия |
Австрия |
Азербайджан |
Албания |
Алжир |
Ангола |
Аржентина |
Армения |
Аруба |
Афганистан |
Бангладеш |
Барбадос |
Бахамски острови |
Бахрейн |
Беларус |
Белгия |
Белиз |
Бенин |
Бермудски острови |
Бирма |
Боливия |
Босна и Херцеговина |
Бразилия |
Бруней |
Буркина Фасо |
България |
Вануату |
Великобритания |
Венецуела |
Виетнам |
Вирджински острови |
Гамбия |
Гана |
Гватемала |
Гвинея |
Германия |
Гибралтар |
Грузия |
Гърция |
Дания |
Джърси |
Доминика |
Доминиканска република |
Египет |
Еквадор |
Екваториална Гвинея |
Ел Салвадор |
Еритрея |
Естония |
Етиопия |
Замбия |
Западен бряг (Палестина) |
Зимбабве |
Израел |
Индия |
Индонезия |
Ирак |
Иран |
Ирландия |
Испания |
Италия |
Йемен |
Йордания |
Казахстан |
Кайманови острови |
Камбоджа |
Канада |
Катар |
Кения |
Кипър |
Киргизстан |
Китай |
Колумбия |
Коморски острови |
Косово |
Коста Рика |
Кот д'Ивоар |
Куба |
Кувейт |
Латвия |
Либерия |
Либийска арабска Джамахирия |
Либия |
Ливан |
Лихтенщайн |
Люксембург |
Мавритания |
Макао |
Малайзия |
Малдиви |
Мали |
Малта |
Мароко |
Маршалови острови |
Мексико |
Мианмар |
Мозамбик |
Молдова |
Монако |
Монголия |
Намибия |
Неизвестна държава |
Нигер |
Нигерия |
Нидерландия |
Нидерландски Антили |
Никарагуа |
Нова Зеландия |
Норвегия |
Обединени арабски емирства |
Оман |
Пакистан |
Палау |
Палестинските територии |
Панама |
Парагвай |
Перу |
Полша |
регион: Газа |
регион: Кафия Кинги |
регион: Крим |
регион: Общност на независимите държави |
регион: Северен Мали |
Република Конго |
Република Южна Африка |
Руанда |
Румъния |
Русия |
Самоа |
Сан Марино |
Саудитска Арабия |
Северна Корея |
Северна Македония |
Сейнт Винсент и Гренадини |
Сейнт Китс и Невис |
Сейшели |
Сенегал |
Сиера Леоне |
Сингапур |
Сирийска Арабска Република |
Сирия |
Словакия |
Словения |
Сомалия |
Судан |
Съединени американси щати |
Сърбия |
Таджикистан |
Тайван |
Тайланд |
Танзания |
Тринидад и Тобаго |
Тунис |
Туркменистан |
Турция |
Уганда |
Узбекистан |
Украйна |
Унгария |
Уругвай |
Филипини |
Финландия |
Франция |
Хаити |
Хонг Конг |
Хондурас |
Хърватия |
Централноафриканска република |
Чад |
Черна гора |
Чехия |
Чили |
Швейцария |
Швеция |
Южен Судан |
Южна Корея |
Ямайка |
Япония |
Parameters | Description |
data | Every row have to be two parts - identifier and name. Identifier is optional, but the name is required. They have to be separated with semicolon. Rows have to be separated with new line (\r\n). |
Parameters | Description |
id | Notification id. |
lastModifyDate | Last time when the content is modified |
data | Content of data. |
messageType | Message types are:
0 - No exceptions.
1 - User does not exist.
3 - Notification was saved successfully.
4 - Notification did not saved.
7 - Notification was modified successfully.
8 - Notification did not modified.
username | Username |
Parameters | Description |
id | Notification id. |
lastModifyDate | Last time when the content is modified |
data | Content of data. |
messageType | Message types are:
0 - No exceptions.
1 - User does not exist.
2 - Notification does not exist.
username | Username |
Parameters | Description |
id | Notification id. |
lastModifyDate | Last time when the content is modified |
data | Content of data. |
messageType | Message types are:
0 - No exceptions.
1 - User does not exist.
2 - Notification does not exist.
5 - Notification was deleted successfully.
6 - Notification did not deleted.
username | Username |
Parameters | Description |
type | Report type, by default is 1.
1 - Quick report. The data have to be less than 1000 rows and the result does not save in the logs.
2 - Daily report. The date does not have limit. The result saves in the logs. Every day at 9 o'clock, you will receive email with result.
data | Every row have to be two parts - identifier and name. Identifier is optional, but the name is required. They have to be separated with semicolon. Rows have to be separated with new line (\r\n). |
Parameters | Description |
reportDate | Date of report |
data | Content of data. |
result | Only matched results. |
result.identifier | Person identifier | | Person name |
result.match | Person match are:
100 - Full match by name and identifier for bulgarian citizens after exact search.
100 - Full match by name for foreign citizens after exact search.
75 - Fuzzy search for name when 1 character difference is found.
50 - Fuzzy search for name when 2 characters difference is found.
25 - Fuzzy search for name when 3 characters difference is found.
10 - Match by other category.
messageType | Message types are:
0 - No exceptions.
1 - User does not exist.
2 - Notification does not exist.
11 - Rows are more than 1000.
username | Username |
Parameters | Description |
---|---| | Log id |
logs.insertDate | Log date of insert |
messageType | Message types are:
0 - No exceptions.
1 - User does not exist.
9 - Logs did not exist.
username | Username |
Parameters | Description |
id | Log id |
insertDate | Log date of insert |
data | Content of data |
result | Only matched results. |
result.identifier | Person identifier | | Person name |
result.match | Person match are:
100 - Full match by name and identifier for bulgarian citizens after exact search.
100 - Full match by name for foreign citizens after exact search.
75 - Fuzzy search for name when 1 character difference is found.
50 - Fuzzy search for name when 2 characters difference is found.
25 - Fuzzy search for name when 3 characters difference is found.
10 - Match by other category.
messageType | Message types are:
0 - No exceptions.
1 - User does not exist.
10 - Log does not exist.
username | Username |
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